Size Doesn’t Matter… Dreams are Dreams!

“Just because my dreams are different than yours, doesn’t mean they’re unimportant”.
~ Meg in Little Women

I was watching the newest Little Women today and this above quote struck something in me.

Lately I’d been feeling very “meh” and like I don’t have any motivation to really do anything other than to care for my kids. I keep saying “I need to xyz” then I usually never get to it. Which then annoys me because I feel like I’m not being productive, having any goals or striving for anything.  Sometimes I look at my husband who has several passions and hobbies and wish I could be more like him. Other than writing I really don’t have any hobbies and I don’t even do that as much as I’d like. 

But after hearing this quote, it hit me like a pile of bricks. My main goals and dreams have and are getting achieved!

When I was younger I just couldn’t wait to find a man I loved and loved me back then get married.  Check.  I wanted to have a great job.  Check.   I wanted to have 2 kids, a girl and a boy. Check.  I wanted to move near the beach into a beautiful home.  This will be a check soon, as we are closing on our beautiful house in Florida in the next month or so.

Then are are some ongoing goals that you can’t really “check off” but you can continue to work on them. For me that’s traveling, helping animals, being a great wife, and a Mom my kids can be proud of.  Overall, I want to have fun with my family, enjoy life, and make amazing memories. That has and always will be my greatest passion.  Living life to its fullest with my favorite people.  That’s what I have been doing and what I will continue to do. Sure some days are more exciting than others, but that’s okay! Everyday my kids are growing and doing new things. As they are very little, they are our main focus right now, and that’s okay!

Having said all that of course there are some other smaller goals I have, one being to make sure I have a creative outlet so I do need to be better about writing in this blog. Then of course, like most moms, there’s the ongoing battle of “I need to lose this baby weight”. That also is an never ending process, as once you do become a mom, other things really do become more important. In my late teens/early 20’s, looks were EVERYTHING, amiright ladies?? Once you are married to the love of your life, and you give birth to the most amazing children, that muffin top or random stretch mark you made sure to avoid all your life, just becomes your earned “Mama Battle scars” and as unsightly as they are, it doesn’t make your husband or kids love you any less. 🙂 Sure you can continue to work out, lose weight, get some “mommy makeovers”, but like it or not your body changes forever and it is best to find some peace in that. It is something I am constantly struggling with Mamas, so if you are too, don’t be too hard on yourself! 🙂

So when you are having one of those days…think about what your “past you” wanted back then and just how much you have accomplished at this point in your life. Like Meg said in Little Women, “Just because my dreams are different than yours, doesn’t make them unimportant.”  Getting married, having great jobs, a house, having kids, travel- those are all great dreams to have. Just because my goals (right now) aren’t to invent something, be famous for something or cure a disease, doesn’t negate that they are achievements.  I worked for them. (Especially carrying babies ha!). So I am going to stop feeling the heavy guilt that I am passionless.  In fact, I am PASSIONATE!  Passionate about the life I’m living with my family and all it has in store.  

So to all you moms out there who may feel unaccomplished at times- just know you have achieved a LOT.  Remember what your teenage self or twenty-something self wanted and realize how much of those things you now have.  Those ARE accomplishments. Celebrate it daily, and keep reaching for any and all goals you have, big or small, ever changing as they may be and no matter what anyone else thinks, they ARE important.


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