What in the Actual F*ck???

Wow. That’s the best word I can use to describe life right now. Actually, I need more than a word. I need a sentence. What in the actual f*ck???

I’m sure that’s what most of you are thinking, too.

Since last I wrote, SO much has happened. Not just personally, but in the world. Crazy freakin’ times folks. Here’s just a small slice of what has happened since last I wrote:

1.) We celebrated our baby boy to be at a baby sprinkle/ bon voyage with all of our family and friends in Illinois.

2.) End of February we closed on our house in Illinois. (😭 but also 👏🏻👏🏻)

3.) We moved to Florida and are renting a furnished apartment while our house is built.

our future master bedroom

4.) Corona Virus bullshit happened. (Quarantine central).

5.) Baby boy Reagan was born April 23.

Me and little Reagan at the hosptial

6.) Absolute mayhem hit most cities in America after George Floyd was killed.

I don’t really have a pic for this so… this is Reagan’s WTF face. LOL!

What a whirlwind. How can things change SO much in a short amount of time?

Having said all that, let me back up to pre- baby #2.

I am so NOT trying to play the pity card right now, don’t get me wrong. But man. Being pregnant, while moving across the country, working full time, having a very let’s say, energetic toddler to watch, while still trying to be a good wife who cooks dinner, etc is quite the feat. Then boom- in the midst of all of that a pandemic happens, it can really mess with you. (I’ll get into my feelings in that in another post.) It can mess with you physically, socially, and mostly emotionally. Especially with pregnancy hormones running wild.

One of the scariest things was being unsure if my amazing husband could even BE present during our son’s birth. If I’m being honest, the mere thought of that made me sick to my stomach. Having to wear a crappy mask while pushing, not having my daughter there, not seeing the faces of the physicians/nurses, all sucked but not having HIM there with me, that possibility was unbearable. Thankfully that wasn’t the case. My husband was able to be with me. But yet again, the birth did NOT go the way I thought it would. 😞 (If you haven’t read about my crazy 1st birth experience please do here)

Due to uncertain times, and needing to plan childcare for Kella, and also due to a little high blood pressure (gee I wonder why?)… we decided to induce on April 23rd.

We arrived at the hospital early that Thursday and got situated. 12 hours went by and I still wasn’t fully dilated and my epidural wore off. I asked for an epidural correction and they arranged for it. Then the moron who did my 2nd epidural didn’t do it right AT ALL and so I felt EVERYTHING. Literally EVERYTHING. It was like someone was sawing me in half constantly. I was screaming and pleading for someone to fix the epidural but they couldn’t/wouldn’t. My Dr. was amazing don’t get me wrong. My anger is all against the Anesthesiologist. The entire time he did not believe my pain. He didn’t even acknowledge it. By 11 pm when I still was no closer to being ready to push, I said I can’t do this anymore. My doctor offered aC- section and I gladly agreed.

They prepped me for the C-Section and I was still having contractions and in SO much pain. Finally they had to almost knock me out to be able to do the procedure without me wincing in pain. Before I knew it, it was over and my husband was told to leave the room with my baby. I don’t even remember meeting Reagan till after when I was in recovery almost 2 hours later. But from the minute I saw him… I was in love. He was absolutely perfect. 8 lbs and 19.5 inches of perfection. Everything was worth it. He is purely amazing.

Everything they say is true. When you’re pregnant with your second (+) baby, you think how can I possibly love another baby as much as my first? But somehow your heart makes room and the love just grows. It’s pure magic.

Recovering from a C-Section definitely wasn’t a picnic, but with some pain meds, lots of rest, and tons of help from my hubby, I got through it. I am now 7 weeks postpartum, and 7 lbs from pre-(this) baby weight. (Oh ya know…still dealing with 18 lbs from my first baby, haha!)

Still not feeling 100% but I am getting there. I think I am still struggling a bit with the visual nightmare that is the “mom muffin top” that has now only worsened this go around. I just keep telling myself, “Okay… it is only temporary. A tummy tuck is coming.” Until that wonderful, glorious day comes, Spanx it is! 😀

Soooo Mamas. Pour a drink. Cheers to us! And till next time!

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