Baby K Has Arrived!

( Written August 2016)

Sorry for the delay ladies. I’ve been through a roller coaster of emotions the last few weeks so writing wasn’t at the top of my list.

Buuuuutttt… “Baby K” actual first and middle name- Kella Monroe arrived one day early on July 6th after 44 yes 44 hours of labor. Was she worth it? Is what they say true? Absofreakinlutely. But man was giving birth WAY harder than I could even fathom.

Take your birth plan. Now completely “180” it.  That is basically what happened to me.

Was it birth or something out of the movie “Saw” I wasn’t sure at times.

After laboring for 24 hours pain med free, feeling like someone was ripping me in half, and only being 3cm, I said GIMME THE F***ING drugs. My husband almost got slapped for trying to talk me out of it.  A mistake I highly doubt he will make again LOL!

Then still another 20 hours later until little miss arrived.  4:50 am during a thunderstorm, in true future drama queen style! (Pushing her out was way less pain than the actual contractions let me tell you.)

7lb 7oz of perfection and a full head of hair!

After this experience all I can tell you is those of you ladies who did this completely drug free are MY HEROES!!!   To those that want to do it naturally… GOD’S SPEED to you and remember…. if you end up going off plan, don’t beat up on yourself. Delivering a baby- any way you do it- is a feat in itself and you should be so proud of yourself no matter what happens!

Below is a video that pretty much depicts the REALITY of birth versus what we picture in our heads. 🙂

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