Sorry… Been Busy Making a Human.

Hey Mamas!

Sorry for being MIA! My bad for not posting in a million years but this first time preggo has been having a rough time.  Man the horror stories you hear about pregnancy are not horror stories at all its all freakin’ TRUTH. I think they have to call them horror stories to keep procreation going!

Between the acid re-flux, upchuck reflex, bloating, numb hands, ugly stretchmarks, lack of energy and peeing every time you laugh- I don’t know HOW in the world women do this more than one time!!!! You all have my sincere appreciation and yet at the same time I wonder if you may need a lil trip to the cookoos nest.  Just kidding! 😉

I know I know, they say it is ALL worth it when you push this watermelon out but man… I just don’t know how I am going to psych myself up to ride this roller coaster again.  It may take a lot of martini’s or some other mind numbing option to make this plunge again. It’s like voluntarily signing up for 9 months of torture! I will have to see about this one…

Then it’s like every time you hear a non-preggo complain about some bullshit health ailment you’re thinking to yourself… shut the F up… are YOU growing a human? Do you have a little alien poking your ribs all day and making you puke your brains out? Can you no longer walk like a normal person, but instead adopted a waddle that accommodates the growing freakin’ watermelon in your uterus? I don’t think so. I would gladly take your migraine bitch. Smh.

Anyway… just wanted to let you know I’m still alive and have 7 weeks to go!

Wish me luck! And you non-preggos- have a dirty martini for me will you?!



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